For the first time in many years, South Middle has a Student Representative Council (SRC) running again. In the past (2007-pre covid) our student council did many things for and around the community, including going to the Mustard Seed's sorting facility as well as making sandwiches and socks full of toiletries for the unhoused.
In the first half of this year, our council took on giving back to pet organizations (collecting blankets) as well as taking time out of their day to clean up various areas of our school.
To kick off some brainstorming for the next half of the school year, we once again asked the Mustard Seed to return to our school for some community brainstorming by presenting to our SMS SRC about not only how we might be able to get involved with their organization, but with any organization in the city (even as kids!)- and what it means to do so with kindness and an open heart and mind.
It is our hope that with the inspirational words from Caleb Brown, the Mustard Seed's Communication Engagement Coordinator, that our SRC will find new ideas to think about for their next activities around our school and community.
Mr. Gindin
Mrs. McKean
Mrs. Christie
Here are two reflections from todays' Mustard Seed presentation from SRC representatives Arjun (8G) and Ryan W (8G):
Arjun says about today:
The Mustard Seed came in to help us understand the kinds of people that are homeless and in poverty right now in Calgary. It is widespread especially in cities like Edmonton, Banff, and Red Deer. There are many factors to think about when someone is homeless, and if we ever want to volunteer to help or give back to the community, we can help in a variety of ways.
Ryan W says about today:
The Mustard seed explained the different reasons people are struggling and that there are different facilities for families and individuals. Words matter - and if we use "person first" language, we can change how we view the world. Also, there are so many ways even kids like us can help and give back!