Blog - FFCA Works

This is the image for the news article titled FFCA Teams at the Science Olympics by: Tamara Roberts & Ekaterina Surova
FFCA Teams at the Science Olympics by: Tamara Roberts & Ekaterina Surova
Unbeknownst to each other, we turned up at the Science Olympics on Saturday to find out there were at least four FFCA teams! Two in grade 2 from SEE, apparently one in grade 4 that we didn’t see but heard were there, and one in grade 5 from SMS. Of course, the teams cheered each other on all day. ❤️
Read More About FFCA Teams at the Science Olympics by: Tamara Roberts & Ekaterina Surova
This is the image for the news article titled Open Letter by: Jeff Wilson
Open Letter by: Jeff Wilson
The opportunity to share a message with you all one final time is something I have been anticipating with equal parts excitement and anxiety. What a journey we’ve been on together!
Read More About Open Letter by: Jeff Wilson
This is the image for the news article titled Student-Run Clubs at SEE by: Brandi Symonds
Student-Run Clubs at SEE by: Brandi Symonds
Grade four students at SEE are taking responsibility for hosting clubs for younger grades.
Read More About Student-Run Clubs at SEE by: Brandi Symonds
This is the image for the news article titled Student Representative Council at SMS
Student Representative Council at SMS
For the first time in many years, South Middle has a Student Representative Council (SRC) running again.
Read More About Student Representative Council at SMS
This is the image for the news article titled Cat Rescue at NMS
Cat Rescue at NMS
Staff at Foundations for the Future Charter Academy North Middle School first spotted the cat high up in a tree on the afternoon of April 12.
Read More About Cat Rescue at NMS
This is the image for the news article titled Middle School Math League Contest
Middle School Math League Contest
Challenges are always difficult at any time in your life, add competition and it is taken to a whole new level. Our FFCA middle school students did an amazing job showing off their math skills in our recent contest.
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FFCA SMS Cheer Team
FFCA SMS Cheer Team Places First!
2022/23 has been an excellent year for the cheer team at SMS. They placed first in their competition hosted at Winsport by Imagine Cheer & Dance. They 'hit zero' and made CTV news!
Read More About FFCA SMS Cheer Team Places First!
Grade 8 SMS Students Visit SAIT
Today, the 8th graders at FFCA SMS went to SAIT College to explore and learn about careers in the technology field led by astounding volunteers and instructors who guided us throughout the day.
Read More About Grade 8 SMS Students Visit SAIT
Empathy Pawject
Grade 4 Empathy Pawject Art Show at the Calgary Public Library by: Rebecca Carruthers
The grade 4 students at Southeast Elementary have embarked on a special art project called the Empathy Pawject, which is now on display at the Central Library in downtown Calgary.
Read More About Grade 4 Empathy Pawject Art Show at the Calgary Public Library by: Rebecca Carruthers
Sod-Turning Ceremony NHS
A sod-turning or ground breaking ceremony is an event to mark the official beginning of a project where those involved come together with the community to show support and create excitement for the building. The Sod-Turning Ceremony for the new FFCA North High School was on the morning of Thursday, April 28, 2022.
Read More About Sod-Turning Ceremony NHS
This is the image for the news article titled FFCA Campus-Wide 2022 Calgary Food Bank Drive by: ASC
FFCA Campus-Wide 2022 Calgary Food Bank Drive by: ASC
FFCA has had a long history in supporting our community, from helping our neighbours, family and friends to charitable giving events with our strong Character Education program. One of the fantastic opportunities our school community has been able to do each year is supporting the local Food Bank.
Read More About FFCA Campus-Wide 2022 Calgary Food Bank Drive by: ASC
This is the image for the news article titled The Future of STEM
The Future of STEM
As a teacher, you may not feel totally ready to jump into Python programming or computer engineering.
Read More About The Future of STEM
This is the image for the news article titled The Big Brain Collective
The Big Brain Collective
Leadership 30 is an opportunity for the students to culminate all of their learning from previous leadership classes into an opportunity to make a difference and be a change agent in the world.
Read More About The Big Brain Collective
Children's Literature
Children's Literature Book Club by: Dawn Ackroyd
Someone once said, everything I need to know I learned in kindergarten. Could it be said that everything you need to be can be found in children's literature?
Read More About Children's Literature Book Club by: Dawn Ackroyd
This is the image for the news article titled A Tale of Two Idioms. Using ESL Benchmarks to Inform Instruction by: Lynne Bitterman
A Tale of Two Idioms. Using ESL Benchmarks to Inform Instruction by: Lynne Bitterman
An ordeal by fire? Or a piece of cake? How would you describe the task of using Alberta Education�s ESL benchmarks to inform and guide your teaching?
Read More About A Tale of Two Idioms. Using ESL Benchmarks to Inform Instruction by: Lynne Bitterman
This is the image for the news article titled Summer... A Perfect Time to Read
Summer... A Perfect Time to Read
Now more than ever, everyone needs to acquire and refine sophisticated reading skills.
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Indigenous Peoples Month
Indigenous History…Making It Part of Conversations Year-Round by: Joan Burke
I am writing this blog as a settler on Treaty 7 land, the ancestorial and traditional territory of the Blackfoot Confederacy: Kanai, Pikani and Siksika as well as the Tsu T’ina First Nation and Stoney Nakoda First Nation.
Read More About Indigenous History…Making It Part of Conversations Year-Round by: Joan Burke
Lifting Others Up by: Gr. 4 Team SEE
In the spirit of SEE’s Term Two character trait, compassion, grade 4 students made cards to send to seniors in a nearby community.
Read More About Lifting Others Up by: Gr. 4 Team SEE
I Am Poetry by: Grade 8 SMS Students
As grade 8s transitioned to online learning once again, students in 8G got reacquainted with each other via poetry. In the style of spoken word, here’s a sample of some of the fantastic I AM poems.
Read More About I Am Poetry by: Grade 8 SMS Students
Zoe Akhigbe
Why I Remember by: Zoe Akhigbe
Students in 4RI at SEE chose to write in their journals about either Remembrance Day, or Kamala Harris's win in the US election and the dreams and opportunities that this presents to young girls. We talked about Ruby Bridges but had no idea that this past week was also the 60th anniversary of her trying to go to school despites protests of many.
Read More About Why I Remember by: Zoe Akhigbe
Just Add Paint
Just Add Paint...Creating a New Outdoor Learning Space at the SWE Campus by: Sonia Sheehan
Looking for new ways to address teaching and learning that comply with the 2020 Alberta School Re-Entry Plan of maintaining 2m physical distance between students, led to the development of a new outdoor learning space at the FFCA SWE Campus.
Read More About Just Add Paint...Creating a New Outdoor Learning Space at the SWE Campus by: Sonia Sheehan
This is the image for the news article titled Learning and Teaching with Passion by: Heather Doraty
Learning and Teaching with Passion by: Heather Doraty
Using Professional Growth Plans to Enhance Personal Life Long Learning
Read More About Learning and Teaching with Passion by: Heather Doraty
This is the image for the news article titled Digital Citizenship
Digital Citizenship
Teach Magazine recently published a special issue focusing on Digital Citizenship: What it means, and what it represents.
Read More About Digital Citizenship
Tuesdays and Sundays by: Daniel Arnold and Medina Hahn
As the assistant director for FFCA’s Tuesdays and Sundays, I was at first nervous about my job. Little did I know was that this role allowed me to watch over the process as an outside eye and give my own little suggestions and notes from what I saw. As someone who watched and engaged in the behind the scenes, I was asked to write this blog to share with you the months we spent on this incredible play.
Read More About Tuesdays and Sundays by: Daniel Arnold and Medina Hahn
My Year in Reflection by: Andre Shoucri
My professional growth plan this year focused on topics that are near to my heart, and therefore they were always top of mind.
Read More About My Year in Reflection by: Andre Shoucri
To the Class of 2020 by: Meredith Poole
As you finish your year, and embark on your lives You’ll be missing your hugs and your joyful high-fives Because your commencement takes place in a way That none of you could have imagined that day
Read More About To the Class of 2020 by: Meredith Poole
How to Tackle Online University by: Hiba Kharroubi FFCA Alumni
After receiving notice from most post-secondary institutions that our fall semester will have a combination of online learning and in-person instruction, a group of FFCA alumni and I have decided to create a platform of resources that will alleviate some of that stress.
Read More About How to Tackle Online University by: Hiba Kharroubi FFCA Alumni
A Note of Appreciation by: Lorne McDonald
I have been going over this a number of times and hopefully I have found a way to say what needs to be said.
Read More About A Note of Appreciation by: Lorne McDonald
This is Us by: Joan Burke
When I joined FFCA in 2005, I didn’t really understand what I was getting into.
Read More About This is Us by: Joan Burke
This is the image for the news article titled Year End Thoughts by: Karen Gies
Year End Thoughts by: Karen Gies
As this unique school year comes to an end, I’m overwhelmed with so many emotions and thoughts. How much I miss my students and what they’ve missed out on, the support I’ve received from others, and where will we be going from here?
Read More About Year End Thoughts by: Karen Gies
This is the image for the news article titled My Make Project by: Manreet Dhillon Gr. 8 NMS Student
My Make Project by: Manreet Dhillon Gr. 8 NMS Student
We have all been cooped up in our homes for quite a while now, and along with doing our school work, playing video games and playing outside there is nothing much to do! Before Covid-19 I was going to participate in the Calgary Youth Science Fair, with some past experience. CYSF got cancelled, but we could post our projects on Make, and that’s what I did!
Read More About My Make Project by: Manreet Dhillon Gr. 8 NMS Student
Black Lives Matter
As a student who has been attending FFCA for seven years, I have been taught to show character and take leadership roles throughout my life. When witnessing the circumstances of the past few weeks, I knew I needed to make a difference and spread a message, and decided to do so through a medium familiar and comforting to me: art.
Read More About Black Lives Matter
Courtesy of Cathy McLeer
A Message From Your Board of Directors
The spotlight being shone on racism in the United States and Canada through the Black Lives Matter movement this past week has been both difficult and necessary.
Read More About A Message From Your Board of Directors
The World After Quarantine by: Dhruv Venkat Gr. 8 NMS Student
Dhruv Venkat is a Grade 8 Student at NMS. In this video he shares his thoughts on the world after quarantine.
Read More About The World After Quarantine by: Dhruv Venkat Gr. 8 NMS Student
Shell Canada Classroom Energy Diet by: Brooke Herwig
Class 8He is delighted to announce that they are the secondary level video award winners of the Classroom Energy Diet Challenge!
Read More About Shell Canada Classroom Energy Diet by: Brooke Herwig
Empathy Pawject
Empathy Pawject by: Rebecca Carruthers
Grade 4 students at SEE campus learn about empathy by painting adoptable dogs.
Read More About Empathy Pawject by: Rebecca Carruthers
Learning from Home
Learning From Home by: Arian Gr. 8 SMS Student
One SMS student’s journey thus far: grade 8 student’s at SMS write weekly blog’s about how they’re managing a home, or, about other topics dictated by their teachers. This is one of those entries.
Read More About Learning From Home by: Arian Gr. 8 SMS Student
Thank You Video by: Siddharth Kumar
Siddharth Kumar graduated in 2016 from FFCA. He currently attends the University of Waterloo and is working at Apple as a Manufacturing Design Engineer. The video below is a "thank you" to the staff and speaks about the importance of mentoring and his experience at the High School.
Read More About Thank You Video by: Siddharth Kumar
7 Personalities
7 Personalities by: Nazeefa A. Gr. 11 Student
With the recent outbreak of COVID-19, lives accross the globe have lost routine. Where the 7 days of the week brought diversity and feeling to our lifestyle, staying at home without a set purpose has made each day dull and monotonous.
Read More About 7 Personalities by: Nazeefa A. Gr. 11 Student
Look for the Sunshine
Look for the Sunshine by: Nimrat Jawandha Gr. 12 Student
With all this “free” time now, I finally have a moment to just sit down and write.
Read More About Look for the Sunshine by: Nimrat Jawandha Gr. 12 Student
What does home mean to you?
What Does Home Mean to You? by: SEE Grade 4 Team
What does home mean to you? SEE students are once again participating in the Meaning of Home contest. Students in grades 4, 5 and 6 across Canada are invited to submit a writing piece to explain what home means to them.
Read More About What Does Home Mean to You? by: SEE Grade 4 Team
Group Picture
FFCA Basketball Showcase
On February 7th from 3:30-5:30pm the first ever FFCA Basketball Showcase occurred at FFCA High School.
Read More About FFCA Basketball Showcase
Blog Post Image
Can I Make a Difference to Help the Earth? - by: Heather Hadden
The students in Grade One at NWE are learning that the answer is �Yes! I can!� For the past several years, on October 31st, the Grade One students celebrate �Bat Day!�. For the entire day, they participate in learning centers and activities to learn about bats and how these unique creatures are critical to Alberta�s eco-systems.
Read More About Can I Make a Difference to Help the Earth? - by: Heather Hadden
Grade 8 Poetry at SMS - by: Brooke Herwig
Here at SMS, we love the creative expressionism of poetry! Our kiddos go through a variety of activities, from spoken-word poetry, to two-voice poetry, to analyzing their favourite music for aspects of poetry.
Read More About Grade 8 Poetry at SMS - by: Brooke Herwig
The Magic of Giving
The Magic of Giving - by: Shawna Drummond
December can frequently be a time focused on consuming and getting things, whether it be black Friday or cyber Monday shopping, or thinking about things on our own “wish lists”. During this busy time of year, the Northwest Elementary staff and students chose to focus on the character virtue of compassion.
Read More About The Magic of Giving - by: Shawna Drummond
Randy Bottle
Saa'kokoto - by: Geet Garcha
Hi! My name is Geet Garcha. I am in grade 4 and in Mrs. Petley-Kerr’s class. I would like to tell you how my teacher, my class, and I met Randy Bottle.
Read More About Saa'kokoto - by: Geet Garcha
Spoken Word Poetry - By: Pamela Hunnisett
Our Creative Writing Grade 11 and 12 students have been writing, memorizing and performing Spoken Word Poetry.
Read More About Spoken Word Poetry - By: Pamela Hunnisett
This is the image for the news article titled Kindness Matters
Makey Makey

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